Day 1.
Day 1 wasn't so bad. Had a stash of ciggies from the day before, lunch was comprised of a left over dinner that a friend had cooked the night before. T'was delish. Transport to and from the gym was lovingly provided by my legs. And keeping phone costs to a minimum, I have used Facebook as a method of communication.
Day 2.
So far so good. It's raining, and my already fuzz dilemma hair wouldn't be too impressed with having to go outside in the drizzle, so lunch will be something pilfered from the kitchen at work. Ciggies.....damn, didn't factor those in. May need to pop out at lunch. However, the real test will be tomorrow. How to look good, get drunk, and have a massive night out on £25.
Spend so far: £0.00
Day 3.
This is where the fun starts. In fact, it started on Day 2, needing to buy lunch, feed my nicotine addiction,and also get some dinner for the night. Spending came to £12, which in the grand scheme of things, is not bad at all. And somehow, and I don't know how.... I managed to go out with £30, and come home with £17. How you may ask? I don't know I will answer. It is one of those great mysteries of the universe, will forever be unexplained, and the day that you are cosying up in your cardboard box with a cup-a-soup and yesterdays Mirror wrapped around you for extra padding and warmth, you will always remember that night. It may have had something to do with the fact we bought items of the alcoholic persuasion in the shop to drink before hand. Or it may have had something to do with the fact that we didn't get a taxi. Or it could be because for a change in this wonderful but almost crippingly expensive City, we didn't have to pay to get in somwehere. Amazing what a bit of leg can do for you..... Kidding.
Total spent between Friday's shenanigans and Saturday's debauchery:
Ciggies: £3.60
Vodka & Mixer: £9.99
Oyster card top up: £5.00
Drinks at The Tramshed Tooting: £15.00 (apparently!)
Drumroll please: £33.59 for a night out, plus food etc
Day what seems like 906:
Two words. Not good.
Total spend: More than I have. Where is Eddie Hobbs when you need him
Day who cares any more:
Phone bill with the cough cough lovely people at 3: £54.91
Money set aside by me for phone bill: £70.00
Money for me to now play with: £15.09
How many R's in Kerrrrrching :-)
Day blah blah blah:
Am currently just keeping my head above water and still in double digits. Not for long I fear, but it's also 7 days to P-Day. Sure I gave it a go, like.
You should just go back to your old ways of saving... spending mine :-)