Despite claims by Theresa May (the Home Secretary) that the Government in this country is appalled by the European courts decision to let people on the sex offenders list have the right to appeal their "labelled for life" stickers, it will still be going ahead, with minimal but still very much present backing from our good leader, Mr David Cameron.
Whoever decided to dream up this scheme must have been in the throes of smoking something highly illegal that released their inner peace loving hippy and love and kindness to all self including rapists abusers and paedophiles - either that or someone they know is on that list. How anyone can think this is a good idea, is absolutely beyond the far reaches of my imagination. This list came about for good reason, to protect the wider community from further attacks happening, and for protecting entire neighbourhoods from the horrors of even the smallest sexual abuse. The people who are on that list, are on there for good reason. They have committed a heinous crime, for which they should be rightly punished.
It's easy to say that those on the list are only human, and should be treated with some dignity and of course should have the right to appeal their "label for life". But how can you say that to the parents of someone who was abused or attacked by a sexual deviant? How can you say that to someone who has experienced the horrors of a rape attack? How can you say that to a child who has suffered at the hands of their parents?
It's all very well and good for the people of the Government here and the governing bodies of the European Community to think this is a good idea, and that Europe is leading the way in terms of human rights. But how about upholding the feelings of people who have suffered at the hands of abusers? I will eat my hat if it transpires that anyone on that judicial committee who is going along with it has suffered sexual abuse, or knows someone who has, because if they had experienced it in any way shape or form, they would fight tooth and nail to make sure this didn't go through.
I can appreciate the fact that there are people who are genuinely remorseful about a crime they may have committed, and that some people have honestly changed, and would like the chance to go on ahead with their normal lives and not have the cloud of being labelled a sex offender hang over their heads everywhere they go. But for the majority of people on there, they have not changed, and given the chance, might well attack or abuse in the future.
However, we must sacrifice the pleas of the reformed minority in order to protect the wider community from the majority of people on that list.
The most sickening fact however, is that the victims, the real victims who's rights were trampled all over when they were subjected to abuse against their will, are in fact the ones that will always be labelled for life, and there is no ruling that can ever come into place for them that will free them of the title of a victim of sexual abuse. They cannot appeal to the European High Courts to get them off a list, they must carry this with them for life.
I just hope that no one on that deciding committee must ever experience life at the hands of an abuser.